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Sin Sol is a multidisciplinary art project including poetry, dance, installation and an augmented reality (AR) app. The app portrays a trans Latinx AI character to consider the intersections of personal trauma with environmental trauma, how the feeling of being unable to breathe intertwines with the effects of climate induced wildfires.
By micha cárdenas, in collaboration with Marcelo Viana Neto, Kara Stone, Abraham Avnisan, Morgan Thomas, Dorothy Santos, Wynne Greenwood, Adrian Phillips.
Installation at the Leslie Lohman Museum
Sin Sol / No Sun allows users to experience the feelings of a climate change event, in order to deeply consider how climate change disproportionately effects immigrants, trans people and disabled people. Players can find, see and hear a story told through poetry about living through climate change induced wildfires, from a trans latinx AI hologram, Aura. Set fifty years in the future, Aura tells the story of environmental collapse from the past, which is our present in 2018. Part environmental archiving project, the environments in the game include actual 3-D scans of present day forests from the Pacific Northwest. With the goal of multispecies survival and solidarity in mind, Aura’s dog, Roja, leads players on a journey to escape the wildfires and find oxygen capsules which contain poetry, telling more of the story as they progress through the game.
Game design, Writing and Direction by micha cárdenas
Environments, Writing and Installation Design by Abraham Avnisan
3-D modeling by Marcelo Viana Neto, Adrian Phillips and Kara Stone
Produced by Dorothy Santos
Soundtrack by Wynne Greenwood
Character Design by Morgan Thomas
Prototyping by Rachel Raymond and Robin Cruz
Installation at the Henry Art Gallery, Seattle
Sin Sol has been exhibited and performed at the Stamp Gallery (2022), Tarble Arts Center (2021), Thessaloniki Biennale in Greece (2019), the Leslie Lohman Museum in New York (2019), the Refiguring the Future exhibition in New York (2018) and the Henry Art Gallery in Seattle (2018).
Privacy Policy
The Sin Sol iOS app does not collect or store any user data. We do not collect or save any of your personal data through the Sin Sol iOS app. You will be asked to allow location data, but that is only used by the app for walking navigation. You will be asked for camera access, only to display the virtual objects in your screen in your local environment. No data is sent back to our servers. No data is saved locally on your device or on our servers.